(A)Synchronous code kid
what’s a Synchronous code and Asynchronous code first ?
Synchronous code means that our programme run one thing a time ( instruction by instruction) so we can’t move to the next instruction till we finish the current one, but, Asynchronous code runs multiple insruction a time that we don’t need to wait the first instruction to finishi to move to the next one, we passe and it may all finish together.
Let me explaine this to you kid by an alive example that we live with .. our Moms and Dads.
So as we can see our Moms cook, clean, rise us, … at the same time, this is an example for Asynchronous code how it works and Dads work, ‘take some rest’, shop, ‘take some rest’, sleep, ‘take some rest’ , … , ‘take some rest’ and that how the Synchronous code works. (May god protect all our Moms and Dads).