Get out of your confort zone !!!

“I always did somthing i was a little not ready to do. i think that’s how you grow. when there’s that moment of ‘WOW, i’m not really sure i can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” — Marissa Mayer
I’m gonna to start with these words to describe my experience in RBK, I wasn’t sure of starting the training cause when I finish my studies I said “of finely I’m doing no more courses or exams” and I start to get used to just stay home and apply for a job and find it too hard to go back and start new thing ... but here I’m!
Finally, I leave my comfort zone and I’m fighting to get the degree, in the best way and in the right place.
So being in RBK make me push my limits, try new things, enjoy life in a better way and discover the new ME.