React Native .. Expo !! (part 1)
While I restarted using “Expo” after formatting my computer, I got stuck with a lot of errors. That is why I decided to solve with you these errors on Medium within this blog. The main aim is to guide you to the right path working with “Expo”.
To start correctly we have to install NodeJs (If you didn’t install it yet here’s the link, make sure to download the LTS version). First, we open your project with VSCode (the link for download VSCode) Make sure you are under your react native project, Run ‘expo start’ and boom :

expo : Le terme «expo» n’est pas reconnu comme nom d’applet de commande, fonction, fichier de script ou programme exécutable. Vérifiez l’orthographe du nom, ou si un chemin d’accès existe, vérifiez que le chemin d’accès est correct et réessayez.
Let’s get our hands dirty
So, Install “chocolatey” with the administrator mode and follow the steps in this documentation, like it’s shown in the next picture :

Back to your computer, You must modify your environment variable ‘path’ to add the path of your executable at the end (not the .exe file, only the folders).
You can see your variable ‘path’ by typing under ‘cmd’: echo% path%
Install yarn if you don’t have it. I used the choco : “install yarn command”
Use yarn to install expo with : “yarn global add expo-cli”
Or simply with npm : “npm install -g expo-cli”.
“expo start” should now work. “yarn start” and “npm start” should also work.
After fixing this error you can create other new react native apps so …
Let’s go now to React Native Documentation and execute some commands ;)
❤ Happy Hacking ❤