That’s why authentication systems improved over time
Since ancient times, humans think about how to protect their personal stuff or information and they invent a lot of ways ..
But always there’s a ‘hackers’ that found a way to fail all the plans, and with the evolution of the technologies and social media, the personal information became easier and accessible for anyone …
So that’s why the software engineer thought about ways to protect anyone from ‘hackers’ and this’s what we called “encryption” and “decryption”.
First, they thought about changing the order of letter or adding some value to the position of the letter and that what really easy to hack it.
Then, they create new algorithm work with ‘keys’ like AES and DES to encrypt and decrypt the message or the information with it. But also it was easy for hacker not only to hack the information but also the ‘keys’ !!!
And finally, now a days we still have some sort of good algorithm and authentication systems that protect our information from ‘Bad Hackers’.